Where to Eat

Dine atop the mountains where you can soak in a gorgeous view of our valleys or enjoy a peaceful meal while gazing at the beautiful, serene waterways in our county. The Enchanted Mountains Region is known for its fine dining establishments.

Whether your preference is international cuisine or local flavor, our region has something for everyone. Choose a type of cuisine, beverage or food from the drop-box below to locate a restaurant.

Showing 1 results.

QQ Buffet

Photo of QQ Buffet
Allegany, NY 14706
Phone: 716-373-8237

A buffet with Chinese, Japanese, and American cuisine.

Dine in OR Take Out


11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.


Showing 1 results.

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains